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mercedes benz tombstone

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as a teenager, young ray tse jr. fantasized about getting his driver's license and some day owning a mercedes benz. unfortunately, at the age of 15 ray died and that dream was never fulfilled. his brother, millionaire david, fulfilled that dream by having a life sized granite memorial (36 tons) carved to resemble a 1982 mercedes benz 2400 diesel limousine and placed behind the family mausoleum. on both the front and back, the vanity plates read 'ray tse'.

silly me, i decided pay a visit on easter sunday. big mistake. now i knew that upon visiting a cemetery on easter sunday, i would more than likely find it pretty busy. but when. i pulled into rosehill cemetery (in linden, nj) i had no idea how busy it would actually be. it's a pretty large cemetery and i wasn't quite sure where i would find the tombstone, so i picked a direction and started driving. the only directions i had was that 'it was on the north side of the cemetery in the asian section''. and because i have zero sense of direction, i immediately went in the wrong direction. go figure. so i was forced to loop around almost the entire cememtery (most roads were one way only) and just as i thought i would never find it, there it was! and after seeing it, i can understand how it isn't something you just drive by without stopping. unfortunately, even though the rest of the cemetery wasn't all that busy, for some reason, this section was mobbed. i mean mobbed. and there were about 20 people standing around this particular mausoleum, so this photo folks, is the closest i was able to get to it, because there was no was i was getting out of the car. i didn't want to offend anyone (easter sunday, remember?) so i did a slow drive by to snap a photo and i was mortified when every single one of those people turned around and gave me the stink eye. but i got a picture! i took a couple of others but i was more than a little disappointed when i realized i wasn't going to get any closer. but that was my own fault. if you intend to visit, don't do it on a holiday is my only advice to you!

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if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me. make sure you stop by my instagram and facebook pages for more fun photos! on to my next adventure...

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